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How do I resolve an issue with my tenancy?

If you’re having a problem with your tenancy, there are steps you can take to get it sorted. The best approach will depend on the type of issue you’re facing, if you rent through a letting agent or a landlord, and what you’ve already tried. 

Use our free interactive My Housing Issue Gateway tool to find out what your options are.

Common issues the Gateway can help with:

? Repairs and maintenance – such as mould, heating issues, plumbing issues, damage
? Rent increases or arrears – If you're struggling with payments
? Deposit issues – e.g., if you think money has been unfairly deducted
? Eviction or being asked to leave – Understanding your rights
? Tenant fees – unfair fees, holding deposits
? Poor communication/customer service

The Gateway will give you free, personal information on:

? Your rights – What the law says about your situation
? Next steps – Actions you can take to try to fix the issue
? Who can help – Where to go next to get free help to get your problem sorted

Get started

Click below to use the My Housing Issue Gateway tool and find the best next step for your situation.