Help CentreFAQs

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I have a complaint about the service

In the first instance, does your complaint relate to the progress of a specific case before we have made an adjudication decision? If so, we will have sent you updates that show the name and contact details of the person responsible for progress. Please contact them first.

If your complaint does not relate to a specific case, please contact our Contact Centre on 0300 037 1000 for insured protections where you have a certificate code. Or 0300 037 1001 for a custodial protection, with deposit account numbers beginning with EW.

The Contact Centre will help with your question or escalate it to a TDS member of staff, who will contact you directly. If you remain unhappy, please send us your complaint within 28 calendar days of the problem arising.

Putting your complaint in writing will help us understand it better and respond fully. Our email address for complaints is:

Click here for more details about the complaints procedure.

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