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Is my deposit protected?

Your landlord or agent must put your tenancy deposit in a Government approved deposit protection scheme if you have an assured shorthold tenancy.

Please use the link to check if your deposit is protected with TDS:

If you do not have access to your Deposit Reference, please use the form to search for your deposit by entering information about your tenancy. You will need a postcode, surname, tenancy start date and deposit amount to search.

There are 3 schemes which protect tenancy deposits. If your deposit is not protected by TDS, please use the link below to visit the Shelter website and search the other schemes.

If your deposit is not protected in a tenancy deposit protection scheme then you may wish to seek assistance from your local Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Shelter, Housing Advice Centre, Law Centre or other advice organisation who may be able to assist you further as there are other legal remedies available to you via the courts.

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