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The other party is not responding to my repayment request, so the funds are stuck. What do I do?

If the other party to the tenancy is not responding to the repayment request you have raised with us, then there is a legal process that can be pursued to have the funds released.

If more than 15 working days have passed since you raised the request and we have received no response, you will receive an email from us containing the template for a legal document known as a “Statutory Declaration”.

You would need to download the template which is emailed to you, fill it out completely and correctly (to match the details of the tenancy and the repayment request registered to our system) and then have it signed and stamped by a UK legal representative – commonly a solicitor (who may charge a fee of around £5-£10 for the service).

Once this declaration is filled out completely and correctly, and returned to us, we will process it and – if we are able to accept it – send it off to the other party. We must then give the other party 14 calendar days to respond to the declaration. If they do not respond during that time frame, we will release the funds to you in accordance with your repayment request.

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