#ExpertView: Why Letting Agents Should Automate the Mundane to Focus on the Marvellous
#ExpertView: Why Letting Agents Should Automate the Mundane to Focus on the Marvellous
In this week’s #ExpertView, Kristjan Byfield from The Depositary discusses the importance of automating the mundane tenancy tasks so letting...
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#ExpertView: No time like the present – landlords urged to act to improve the energy efficiency of their homes!
#ExpertView: No time like the present – landlords urged to act to improve the energy efficiency of their homes!
In this week’s #ExpertView, Fiona Wilson, Business Development Manager at Elmhurst Energy, discusses the current Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards...
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#ExpertView What the Government Must do Next to Save the Private Rented Sector
#ExpertView What the Government Must do Next to Save the Private Rented Sector
NRLA chief executive, Ben Beadle, discusses the crisis facing the courts as Covid-19 restrictions are eased, and looks at what...
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#ExpertView: The Lifetime Value of a Sales Customer vs a Lettings Customer
#ExpertView: The Lifetime Value of a Sales Customer vs a Lettings Customer
In this week’s #ExpertView, Chief Kerfuffler & Founder, Simon Whale and Commercial & Strategic Director, Richard Durrant, discuss...
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#ExpertView: NRLA calls on Government to Support Landlords and Tenants Post-Lockdown and Beyond
#ExpertView: NRLA calls on Government to Support Landlords and Tenants Post-Lockdown and Beyond
In this week’s #ExpertView, Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA), calls on...
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#ExpertView: Why Facts Beat Emotions Every Time in Tenancy Disputes
#ExpertView: Why Facts Beat Emotions Every Time in Tenancy Disputes
This week, Kristjan Byfield, Co-Founder at The Depositary, explains how important facts (and ONLY facts) are when planning on...
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#ExpertView: Closing the adapted properties gap
#ExpertView: Closing the adapted properties gap
In this week’s #ExpertView, National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) Chief Executive, Ben Beadle, discusses the association’s new guidance showing...
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#ExpertView: Energy assessors support mortgage lenders to understand the energy performance of homes
#ExpertView: Energy assessors support mortgage lenders to understand the energy performance of homes
A Government consultation which closed last month has proposed new rules to encourage mortgage lenders to help householders improve...
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#ExpertView: Submit Deposit Disputes in seconds not hours with The Depositary's TDS integrations
#ExpertView: Submit Deposit Disputes in seconds not hours with The Depositary's TDS integrations
This week’s #Expertview is written by The Depositary who recently integrated with TDS Custodial, having already integrated with...
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#ExpertView: Sunak budget overlooks the private rented sector
#ExpertView: Sunak budget overlooks the private rented sector
NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle on a quiet budget for landlords – and what further action the Government needs...
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#ExpertView: Crisis ahead unless Government steps up support
#ExpertView: Crisis ahead unless Government steps up support
Landlords have gone above and beyond to support tenants struggling to pay rent as a result of Covid-19. But as...
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#PressRelease: The Dispute Service is proud to be working in partnership with compliance platform, Complylex, to help landlords and letting agents
#PressRelease: The Dispute Service is proud to be working in partnership with compliance platform, Complylex, to help landlords and letting agents
As of today, the Dispute Service is proud to be working in partnership with Complylex, the online compliance-based platform for estate...
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Showing 109-120 of 279